What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment?
To put movement in a joint that is fixated, the doctor utilizes chiropractic manipulation or an adjustment to help restore normal function and motion in a joint. Generally, this technique employs gentle pressure or a shallow thrust to restore optimal motion. An adjustment is sometimes accompanied by a pop or cracking noise, which results from the joint’s release of nitrogen gas.
Is Visiting A Chiropractor Safe?
To date, many studies of the chiropractic adjustment have proven its effectiveness, safety and high levels of patient satisfaction. In 1994, the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy deemed this technique as the gold standard for treating low back pain. Since the agencies initial findings, more research has been conducted on neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome and and physical rehabilitation. Each of the study’s findings supports the role of chiropractic care and its manipulative procedures.